The traditional classics, my love.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

First of all, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha.
psst: since we're not going anywhere this year's posts will only be something like this probably? haha

Okay, I might be using a tad bit (well more than usual?) of Bahasa Indonesia in this post I guess? Cause it's related to what we're having today and our second home. Iya, bener... Jakarta or Indo. Jadi gini ceritanya, we were like what do we want to have on Eid Adha? Pengennya yang classic and traditional gitu also we want something special but not too extravagant this time... a simple yet sophisticated and of course maknyussss (lol, this is a tagline which means something like soooo good! from a famous food reviewer on their channel dulu2 while we were still in Indo, yah it's like we have JJCM here in Malay and they have Wisata Kuliner there).

We have done a lot of traditional cuisines and of course malay, too especially the Kelantanese and Terengganu's one. Not to brag, actually ga tau lagi mau bikin apa cause y'know mama suka banget masaknya yang special special even on ordinary days, too. So, pas ada occasions we're always out of ideas of what to make. heee. Some of them, you may have seen it if I posted them on my sosmed tapi ada yang belum di post lagi padahal fotonya ada lho~

I think langsung aja ke main menunya ya? Yuk!

+ Nasi Tumpeng with 11 + 1 side dishes
Ayam Semur
Ayam Suwir Bali
Tahu Telur Bacem
Telur Gulung
Urap Sayur
Urap Kelapa
Kering Tempe
Kering Kentang
Daging Gepuk Empal
Rendang Ayam
Sambal Tomat

For tumpeng, we also included our beloved Malay friends:

+ Classic snacks 
Karipap Pusing
Pulut Leper

+ Classic Sweets
Talam Suji
Talam Kacang Merah
Tepung Bungkus
Kek Cawan Apam Balik (lol you feel the vibe yet? with the use of language for the names? especially this one? Cause if you know me then you know I rarely, and it's very rare of me to write it like this haha)
Strawberry Cupcake

To match with the theme, so haruslah ga pake sendok garpu ya kan? haha and of course daun pisang on the plate biar makin nge-vibe.

Oke, for the dishes I was like OH-MY-GOD! this is Indo bangetttttt on the first bite. Jadi makin kangen deh~ Definitely, one of my best childhood memories for being given a chance growing up outside to see more wonders (of the dishes is one of them pastinya haha). Back to tumpeng, in fact it was since yesterday when we cooked them... I was like oke this is Indo! The smell of the spices of the food. I knew it! I'm ve-ry familiar with it. And today, when I tasted it. It's legit! 

Psst: just wanna put it here for my own comparison between Eid fitr and Eid Adha's table
If you want to read into more details about our Eid fitr you can click here.

Oopss, almost miss it! Sorry my red love. What is classics if there's no you,  Iced Air Sirap, right?

Enjoyed the kuliner,
Dyna d Dayn,
(慧琳, 다이애나)

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