수고했어 데나야~ Au revoir 2019!

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Hello, again my lovely readers.
Few days left (on the day I drafted this) before a new decade began~ not even a week! That's just how fast the 365 went by... it felt so short and long at the same time. 

- currently reading -

Of course, this year there were still the bitter parts of it but I can feel that it was much better than the previous years and that's a good one. As years passed by, for sure we want it to be an improvement and not an opposite one, right?

I've been much calmer and peaceful. I meant this whole year or not this past months of the second half, I've tried to be a more positive, optimistic person and yes, it also includes in the Love Yourself thing, too. The negatives really do affect your days if you're involved with it, so I tried my best to stay away from all those toxins. Also in every hardship I occurred, I always thought of the good end and just hope it passed by smoothly and well it did~ I'm being positive as I can as I don't want people around me to be negative cause if we have the negative vibe, it will bring the bad aura out and people around us would feel and be affected by it, too (sadly I'm very much affected that's why I'm still trying to not let it hits me). So, be positive, pretty inside out so people would always love to be around you~

But psst just that maybe we can't be too honest, can we? It may hurt the others but I think it's fine sometimes cause if we need to keep it inside all the time, it also hurts us? And we need to somehow let it out (as I read in Ikigai) cause definitely, some truth hurts. We need to care about ourselves, too. Or am I the only one who cares a lot about others more than myself? Then, I really need to love myself more~ Being honest for my own mental well being isn't wrong and also just can't help it if I can't keep being fake all the time... haha.

There's also a saying that goes like this 'Kill them with kindness' but yeah sometimes your kindness can be your weakness, too so you need to know when and how much of its worth to use for those who like to take things granted especially of your kindness. ✌🏻 It can be quite exhausting for yourself~ Another thing is, kindness is quite dangerous because sometimes people show kindness to you just to get something from you but when they didn't get what they want they'll surely won't be there around you anymore. Where has the sincerity gone? That's a sad but painful fact in this world we're currently living...

Anyway, back to my achievements... even the progress was quite slow but I can feel that I achieved some accomplishments in my work, my life emotionally and spiritually and I'm proud of the things I made this year. I did quite a lot I meant, you may see me just being at home not going for a 9-5 job at the office but that's how I work. From home, freelancing and do what I'm best at with my passion and only those who see what real struggles I had known how it's been for me. 

Lemme just tell you a bit, to work on what you love as a career isn't something easy, light and glamorous as what you've seen on the screens especially when you are nothing and EVERYTHING! Literally everything~ you're the boss and you're also the employee(s). You have to start from zero on your own and what you know is you have to make it happen no matter what. The behind-the-scene works will make you cry and bored someday, trust me. You'll cry and feel like giving up or even not doing anything at all on some days but once that feeling of having the good end of your dream reappear, you'll be passionate again. It's normal to feel that way~ Sometimes we can't help but compare ourselves with the others and that's actually a bad habit and made us became weak. Even some things aren't actually fair to us who really works their best cause some powers would always win against us... you know what I meant if you've been experiencing the same things as I do.

Psst psst: Love yourself and be selfish (sometimes) but not a real selfish one if you get me haha. Don't be one until you affect other people. Know your capabilities and your limit and do your best to use whatever you have first without dreaming so high to be like others. I meant we have different capabilities and maybe they can be that but you're not but if you bring the best out of yourself, you can achieve even higher and better things than them. You are allowed to take breaks, honey, don't strain yourself too hard. Be patience to get the dream of yours to become a reality in the best way you can get.

So, keep your heads up and fighting! We can do this! Remember, the struggle is part of the story which will make us proud in telling others about it in the future as we also need to strive for progress and not for perfection. Congratulations to everyone for all the achievements made through your progress. 

I'm glad that there are more happy memories I remembered this year, gained new fun and not fun (lol tough) experiences and can move on to the new decade in a good note but it makes me nervous as to what adventures await me in the future~

Thank you to those who always acknowledged me and said that I'm such an inspiration to them. 💋 This means so much to me~ Let's have new and enjoyable days ahead.


You've done well,
Dyna d Dayn,
(慧琳, 다이애나)

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